Certificate Course in Maritime Journalism

Certificate Course in Maritime Journalism

Certificate Course in Maritime Journalism


About this course

Certificate in Journalism

Nash School of Journalism is perhaps one of the first institutions to inaugurate a Certificate in Maritime Journalism programme. The eight-week course, done once weekly gives every student an interesting espy into the world of maritime issues and matters.

Students will understand what is shipbuilding, ship repair, maritime insurance, maritime security, the importance of sea ports etc.

Overall, what it means is not just to foster a complete understanding of the maritime universe, but to give students a solid, good opportunity to land jobs in the maritime world across the globe, where jobs are constantly available.

The certificate course teaches the minutiae of the maritime world. It teaches one how on understanding key concepts used in the industry and also to relate to people in the industry which actually amounts to a vitally, important component in the industry.

By having an understanding of the industry, one will always have a very good chance of landing jobs and that could mean, a key deciding quality between getting a maritime job and not having one!

Maritime Journalism Workshop

Nash School of Journalism also runs a 5-hour workshop programme in Maritime Journalism.

This session is ideal for those who cannot spare the time and effort to attend an eight-week certificate course.

The workshop is short, snappy and does not require students to submit written assignments as otherwise required in the certificate programme.

Importantly, it all ends in a single day and what students will obtain is a Certificate which will be a huge boon for one’s CV.



Singapore dollars for Certificate in Journalism.


discount for sign-ups with this brochure.


For enrolmen, call/sms
+65-8769 4383
or email

Course subjects

Introduction To News Writing

Qualities of Good Writing

The Inverted Pyramid (encompassing the Bloomberg, Reuters and Dow Jones writing styles)

Cross Cultural And Developmental Aspects of Journalism

Writing Business Stories

Feature Writing Skills

Travel Writing (includes topics on sceneries, eateries, historical and cultural sites)

Sports Commentaries

Book, Movies and Event Reviews

Opinion Pieces

National Ideologies and News Coverage

Multimedia Training (Optional)

Getting Works Published (Class Test)

Broadcast Elements